Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Bill Cosby Inspiration

This has to be a short one since I need to get some work done....but I was watching Oprah today and Bill Cosby was on, promoting his book with his co-author and talking about parenting and society.
Then he said something that really hit home with me:
"Hurt people hurt people."
As in...people who are hurting...hurt other people.
Kind of like my mother and I. She was hurting (for who knows what reason) and she was always hurting me (another post or five for another day!). I REFUSE to pass this along to my kids, so that is why I do not want anything to do with her ever again (again, another discussion for another day!).
So the hurting cycle can stop. I will be the one that HAS to make it make a choice to have it just STOP.
I cannot, will not, should not let her influence my kids' lives (even though they are a mere glint in our eyes). And by taking her out of my life, this guarantees that she will not hurt my kids.
I don't know if this makes sense, but I had to get it out on paper.

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