Thursday, December 13, 2007

I can't believe I haven't posted in 3 weeks....and it's been a CRAZY 3 weeks, too! I have so much to tell get ready for my catch-up novel!

~The day after Thanksgiving I hung out with my scrap pal Tiffany (the first time we met) and we had a blast! It was a bit difficult because her grandfather was dying and I just felt so bad for the whole entire family! But we had fun and we made some super fun junk journals and we hung out for a bit and then I drove the 45-minute ride home with a majore headache! I don't know how I remember I had a super bad headache that day, but I think I remember that because I don't like driving in the dark and I wanted to focus on driving because I tend to hallucinate at night in the car, driving or not!

~The next day, Saturday, we went to my aunt's house because my whole family threw my great-aunt Annette a surprise 70th birthday party. She has always taken very good care of us kids, and she truly is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met in my life. And just like me, she loves to read, so her $50 gift card to Borders was perfect...she loves biographies (again, so do I!) and I couldn't even begin to pick out a book for her because apparently has a ridiculouis library where she lives! We had so much fun and it was a blast hanging out with my huge family! And for a bit I went to my uncle's girlfriend's home about a mile down the road, where I thoroughly enjoyed her home and all of the antiques that she has from the 1800s! It was so much fun and very emotional for me for some reason...I never really hung out with her but it was so much fun to get a glimpse into her life because I thought she was all girly like me and I expected a supreme bachelorette pad! But I was SO's peaceful and spiritual and rustic and perfect! Bobbie is such a great lady, no wonder my uncle has been with her for quite awhile (and he's quite a ladies' man!)

~On Monday 11/26 I took my real estate test (again!) and I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cried like a baby when I found out...I just remember I kept thanking the proctor (because I was by then on a first name basis with him!) and I was so grateful to never have to go back and take was about to improve DRASTICALLY because after I have my license I get a raise! And I would earn commissions! So we pretty much had a party that day when I got back to the office because everyone was so excited. That's one of the reasons I love my job and where I work so much...yeah, we definitely have the person who tries to cause trouble with everyone else, but for the most part everyone has been incredibly supportive and excited for me...I truly could not ask for a better job in this part of my life! Another reason is because my boss is truly amazing. When I started my job I picked up on real estate very quickly, and he said that I would eventually have my license. I'm thinking, OK, sure... a year from now, whatever...but I was there for a month and a half when he said he would pay for it, so I better sign up soon! So I've been working on the course since April, I finished in October, I studied the entire month of October and all of November until I passed my test. I have never had to work for something so hard in my entire life...not even in college during my last semester when I was consumed with wedding plans! So it has definitely been a challenge....but a challenge worth having because the reward is going to be awesome in the end!

~The first week of December...don't remember much! The only major thing that has happened so far (in terms of work) this month is that we have TEN closings! We had at one time 20 listings, but we sold 3 the first week of the month, and we have picked up a few since then...and we have two more this week! I have been incredibly busy with work and Christmas parties and family parties and my dad's birthday (#49!!) last weekend and all kinds of stuff that I haven't been able to post here!

~Now for the important part: I must apologize to all of my friends, especially my scrap pals. It's been such a crazy time but it will be over soon. They have called me and I just honestly have been unavailable for one reason or ladies, I apologize and I promise it will get better when the holidays are over! One of my goals for 2008 is to spend more time with my friends, whatever that means...and I cannot apologize enough for my actions in 2007.

~As much as 2007 is coming to a positive close, I can't help but look back at the past 347 days of this year and think to myself..."look at everything that has changed!"
I became depressed. Our apartment complex was vandalized. I lost my first "real world" job after college after we went out of business. I started a new job. I went on my first-ever business trip. Our brother-in-law came home from Iraq alive, safe, and healthy. My parents got divorced. David and I got through some really rough times. One of my best friends got married. We moved out of the apartment and moved in with my dad...back to the house where I grew up. I was able to get creative again. I was published in "All You" magazine. I read a bunch of books. I took my real estate test 3 times in 5 weeks and eventually passed. I got my license and then my first contract on a house I brought in to the group and we'll close on it at the end of the month. I got a raise. We will be able to pay off 2 credit cards 6 months earlier than we anticipated. David and I are doing better in our marriage.

So life is good. I'm feeling positive again. 2007? I survived. Bring on 2008!!!

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