Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So Tired, but so Excited!

OK, so I'm a bit of a "!!!" kind of girl. I like my smilies, my winkies, I'm just an emotional person! So that being said, I do apologize ahead of time to all my message board comrades...you will rarely find me in a negative mood of any sort, and it is my daily goal to make another person's day.
So there ; )

Anyway...David has been BEGGING me to get off the computer since he got home at 8:30...he had to work late, and I was on SCH having a great time and I didn't want to leave...and I still really haven't! So maybe now he knows what I feel like when he won't get off his computer from playing WOW, do ya catch me??

I had such a great time over there tonight...I don't feel like I killed any threads, unlike some OTHER message boards (***ahem!!***). Whatever. I'll do what I want. Because nobody puts Baby in a corner.

God, I love that movie! I was checking out Janobean's website yesterday and she is a movie FIEND!!! We like a lot of the same movies and don't like a lot of the same movies. Reading her list made me want to run to Blockbuster!

It's been raining here all day and it's kinda cold...my old-lady arthritis is kicking in around my tailbone where I broke my back and it hurts to sit for a long time. I WANT SPRING!!! Who's with me? Christie/cme37?????

I was supposed to do open houses this weekend, but thankfully John changed his mind because hello, it's a holiday! And our sellers didn't want us to do it anyway...so now I have TWO days off in a row, and that only ever happens if I'm sick!

For those of you who watch Y&R with me, it's gettin' good....John is BACK! And hello, Danny Romalotti/Michael Damian!!! Still lookin' good, Mr.! However, your son Daniel is a bit more my age (well, Daniel Grazedei is anyway) and he is GORGEOUS!! What I would give to meet him and/or Michelle Stafford!

Off to bed now...I've been up since 430 this morning and I am done!
Have a great night!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Okie Dokie Smokie!

That's one of my favorite sayings...I couldn't think of a clever title, I'm so tired!
So we're super busy at work...John has gotten 7 listing since the end of February, so I've had a ton of advertising to do, along with my other duties, of course!
My colitis is almost gone, I still have to watch what I eat...I've definitely been drinking more water and eating more fiber, so that has been helping a lot. I can't really give too many details because it's GROSS, but if you must know, send me an email and I can educate you!
One of the most exciting things that's happened in the past few weeks is that we bought a GPS system for my car....for those of you who don't know, I have NO internal sense of direction whatsoever! I got lost in the city (southwest St. Louis, really, and then a bit north of there) and when I'm lost I get really nervous, my hands start to sweat, and I automatically have to pee! But I don't stop because I don't know what part I'm in, which makes it worse...and it's just a vicious cycle. Not to mention the wasting of gas that has become very expensive! So I talked David into letting me get one, and it worked perfectly yesterday morning when I used it for the first time and had to take a detour from U. City into the city and I wouldn't have known that I needed to go through the city and not around it, if not for "Genie"...that's her name. Not "GPS", but Genie.
I figured if I named her we could get along a bit better...because I'm not to up on technology either...but Genie is actually super easy to use. And Best Buy is having them on sale this week, so that will be a nice price adjustment for me! Now I won't have to get so flustered and nervous on my way to open houses on Sundays! Maybe I'll never get lost again!!!!

Another thing I am excited about is that I recently joined a new message board. I really enjoy it, everyone is super nice, and it's more cozy and "homey" than the one I previously spent my time on. It's safe and it feels good not to be a thread killer (who's with me???)

I was driving home the other day and started thinking about something, then thought, "oh, I'll write about that on my blog!"....but then I forgot what it was.
I probably got distracted by something I had to do for work.
Welcome to my life.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I KNOW I need to update this thing! I'm so sorry, I've been sick lately and haven't been able to eat (more on that later) and I've had NO energy!!
So my goal this week is to catch up with you, my friends!

Come back later for more... : )

And thanks for the good wishes when I was sick! I really appreciate it!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Diverticu-What? and the Colitis Diet.

So I've been having some stomach pain for a few days, not too bad, then I started my period 2 weeks early and thought I was just having major cramps on Thursday. But even my most major cramps have gone away and these did not, and they were very specific on my body...on the left side of my stomach.
Thursday morning at work I felt this ripping pain...piercing, throbbing...rush from my tailbone to my belly button...lasted for about 20 minutes. I couldn't take it, I had to go home.
I lied on the couch for the rest of the day, for it hurt to really move/stand up/sit up. I've felt this before, been through this before. Last time they were on the right side of my stomach. I knew. I should've trusted my instincts but my dear, DEAR husband didn't want to take me to urgent care because "let's just see if it gets better." So I said, "And on David time, when will that be???" Yeah, I was annoyed at him.
So I went to the dr. Friday morning and up, I've got colitis again, this time with diverticulitis. Very painful stuff. Dr. told me that anytime you have abdominal pain or chest pain, seek immediate medical attention. Good advice, I say...I'll pass that info right along to my DEAR husband!
Had an x-ray, waiting to get a cat scan this Thursday, and a colonoscopy in the next month or so. On antibiotics and pain killers (thank God for these!) which do seem to be helping. Haven't eaten probably 1500 calories since Wednesday TOTAL and I am SOOOO hungry!!! Can only eat soup and clear liquids for now.
Now I know I should drink more water and eat a more "high fiber" diet...lesson learned, can we be done with this please???
Funny thing my dr. said....people in their 60s usually get this...he's never seen anyone my age with it before. I do feel old now! Old and in pain...

I was also joking with David about it...everyone kept asking if I was pregnant b/c of the stomach pains....well, if this is how my first pregnancy starts off, he is in for a veeeerrrry long 9 months...even I feel sorry for him!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Bill Cosby Inspiration

This has to be a short one since I need to get some work done....but I was watching Oprah today and Bill Cosby was on, promoting his book with his co-author and talking about parenting and society.
Then he said something that really hit home with me:
"Hurt people hurt people."
As in...people who are hurting...hurt other people.
Kind of like my mother and I. She was hurting (for who knows what reason) and she was always hurting me (another post or five for another day!). I REFUSE to pass this along to my kids, so that is why I do not want anything to do with her ever again (again, another discussion for another day!).
So the hurting cycle can stop. I will be the one that HAS to make it stop...to make a choice to have it stop...to just STOP.
I cannot, will not, should not let her influence my kids' lives (even though they are a mere glint in our eyes). And by taking her out of my life, this guarantees that she will not hurt my kids.
I don't know if this makes sense, but I had to get it out on paper.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I am absolutely speechless and that never happens.

I can't believe it. Again, it's happening again. Kirkwood is going through hell...again.
First, a guy shot and killed a city police officer a few years ago...he was just sentenced to death this week.
Second, the two kidnapped boys who had been missing for about a week and 4 and a half years, were found in an apartment complex in Kirkwood.
Third, tonight...the mayor was shot, he is fighting for his life as I write this; the shooter killed 2 police officers and various members of the Kirkwood City Council.

One of my best friends knows one of the men who died, the Public Works Director, Kenneth Yost...she goes to church with him at Kirkwood United Church. He and his wife lost their son to suicide a few years back.

I am devastated and heartbroken and my heart feels torn in half. This literally hits home for me, as I work FIVE MINUTES from where this occurred. I am shaken, with a heavy heart, and this entire situation is unfathomable and it feels like a dream again. Even the reporters on TV are upset; you can see them struggling to maintain their composure, particularly the ones who grew up or have lived in Kirkwood their whole lives.

Kirkwood is one of the best, most popular cities in the St. Louis area. you would not believe the property values, really (hello, I am a real estate agent!). It is a beautiful historic town where people are proud to live, proud so say "I live here!" It has grown so much from when my dad worked there when I was a little girl.

I don't even know what else to say...I've been watching the news since it broke about 4 hours ago and I still just can't believe it.

It's shit like this that makes me scared to go to work five minutes down the road. Who knows who will walk in our office and pull out a gun because an agent did something they didn't like???

But always know this: just as during September 11 when this country was brought together as one through a terrible tragedy, such is this situation in Kirkwood. Tonight is this city's own personal hell, because the details of this situation may have been avoided, we will never know. But St. Louisans are STRONG...we aren't just the "Show Me State" we are also the "Show Your Strength" state...

So Kirkwood, show me your strength...show me your light...show me your unity and your life and your love and your hope. We do have hope...but once again, this city's personal hell will be felt for a time to come.

So please pray for us...we need all we can get. We need hope, we need love, and we may just need a bit more faith.

Thank you,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This one's not about work, it's not about scrapbooking...it's about random things. So hold on to your seats, ladies (and the few gents)!
1. Today is Super Tuesday and I can't vote...I'm so disappointed that I didn't realize it earlier because I missed it by ONE day. When I was in college, I was registered to vote there. When I left Mizzou/Boone County I never even paid attention to the fact that I should probably change my voter registration info, and I didn't realize this until the day BEFORE the deadline. This sucks for me big time because I am a HUGE proponent of voting and of Hillary Clinton and I am disappointed in myself and upset about the fact that I can't vote today. I seriously suck. But I am taking measures to make sure I vote in the November election, of course....I'm not that stupid!
2. I have been sick since Friday...I went to the doctor yesterday, and I have the flu, a sinus infection, AND an upper respiratory infection! GRRR....this really frustrates me not just because I feel miserable, but because I can't scrapbook! I can't scrapbook (I don't want all my germs on my stuff) and I can't work because I'm contagious...I am NOT a happy girl!
3. I am feeling better, though, right now at this moment. I slept for 3 hours this afternoon and I'm still sleepy, but I'm mostly hungry. I'm waiting for David to bring me some Fazoli's for dinner...I'm STARVING!!!
4. I was going to write about a few more important, thought-provoking things...but I lost track of what they were because I'm on so much medicine and I just can't concentrate!


Monday, January 28, 2008

94 hours and no tax $

I much prefer to list my points since it helps me keep my thoughts organized and my paragraphs long : ). That being said....
1. I've worked 94 hours in the past 2 weeks...we have been so busy and I LOVE it! However, I have not had a free moment to get to the post office (which is ONLY down the street from the office!) to mail out 2 Target mailboxes I told Stacy I would send her. I feel horrible. I did try to send it FedEx through my dad's work, but it's a PO Box so that didn't work. I seriously need an assistant at t work. I am convinced that when I win the lottery someday, the following will occur: I will keep working at my job because that is how much I love it (and yes, John will still have to pay me!)...however, I will then be able to afford my own assistant and therefore I will give that person the stuff I don't want to do and/or don't have time to do. I won't have to work 47 hours a week because I won't be the only one doing all the projects we have going on! Trust me, I'm not complaining...I truly adore my job....but I am only one person, ya know?

2. One of my favorite moments in the past few days happened this morning. Long story...I kept having bad dreams last night that I was at an open house and I got kidnapped...scary, right? So I kept tossing and turning, and it was hot in our room, so I finally just got up, grabbed my pillow and my red fuzzy blanket, and went to sleep on the living room couch. I'm not sure how much later, but my cat was purring like she never has before (probably happy to have me to herself in a sleeping position like the old days when I was in high school and she could curl up in the middle of my fetal position) and she jumped on the couch, lay down in front of my face, and snuggled up to me and just PURRED!! She is such a funny cat...we first got her when I was in high school, and she was just my precious baby back then...we were inseparable. Then I went to college and she kind of forgot who I was....wouldn't let me pick her up, was always crabby with me, whatever. But in the past few weeks she's changed and is always much happier to see me! So that makes me happy, particularly because I know she doesn't like Luna Elizabeth stalking her and she runs to me for cover! So it's nice to have the Mags I know "back".

3. I've been thinking a lot about inspiration lately...I've been having a hard time getting back into scrapping after being away from it so long, and I haven't found a good place to start because I have so much to do and am overwhelmed! So I've been trying to dig through my pictures to find inspiration, and I think I'm a more chronologically-inclined scrapper than I care to admit! I can't wait for the day when I don't have the overwhelming feelings I do now and can just enjoy the process. I have my idea binder, some idea books, but I'm looking for something a bit more concrete...although to be fair to myself, am I really expecting something to just hit me upside the head one day, saying "Here you go, scrap away!"???

4. UGGGHHH...it's tax time. Normally I'm excited because we are supposed to get SOME $ back, but it's not looking like it so far...although this is one case I truly hope I am counting my chickens first, because we have only been getting 5% federal taxes taken out of our check and that's NOT GOOD!!! So we're hoping that there have been mistakes made somewhere else besides our W4s....

5. I had 2 very successful open houses yesterday, and I'm so excited about them! Who knows if they could turn into buyers, but I always have fun meeting new people and that's one of my favorite parts about myself...I can get along with strangers very well!

6. I am enjoying happy hour on the CKMB tonight, however...I don't have to work from home tonight doing a bunch of random stuff for work, and it's been a lot of fun answering some of the questions!

7. Hopefully John gives me a raise on my sold listings bonuses...that would help a ton! Especially if we have to pay the government a crapload of money in the next few months...well, there goes our Branson trip : ( That is what makes me so sad.

8. St. Louis is NOT in a housing slump! STL County had a 2% sales increase in 2007, while the rest of the surrounding area was down....STL City wasn't too bad, either, although it did drop. So if you're in STL or know someone moving here, don't despair! What you hear happening around the country via the national media is not representative of all cities/areas...do some research and you'll see I'm right! In 2007, St. Louis was the #5 place in the country to sell a house! And I should know...we had 3 properties on the market for less than a week when we got a contract on them! So if your house is priced correctly, you have the right motivations for selling it, and it is in great condition, it WILL sell quickly for top dollar!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I am exhausted. I have had one day off since Christmas and luckily, John let me have tomorrow off. We have been so busy at work between finishing out our closings, getting ready for the new year, and the wedding show that was all last weekend. Then this week, catching up from last week's time spent prepping for the wedding show.
So tomorrow I'm going to have a "Jamie Day". I am going to Archivers, For Keeps Sake, Target, and who knows where else, getting some supplies to finish Brittani's pregnancy journal (my buyer's agent who told me last week she is pregnant!). I also need to finish my thank you cards from my bday and Christmas, I need to send out my RAK that I have not even been able to shop for, and I need to finish a short real estate course I am required to take. So in the next few days I will be very busy, and also on Saturday we are probably going to join the gym!
I need to lose weight....seriously! My sister is getting married in September, we have to have our bridesmaid dresses ordered by April, and I need to lose some weight before I can even order my dress so I can get the appropriate measurements. But I know my body, and once I start becoming active again, I should begin losing weight pretty quickly...I didn't say easily, but probably quickly like I used to. This probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me : (

And 2008 isn't going quite as I hoped so far, but I say, all it can do is look up. It really hasn't been THAT bad, it's just been super stressful and I've been so stressed out that it's affecting my body and literally has been a pain in the neck.

So I'm just going to chill this weekend. I get 2 days off and I am seriously going to cherish them. Oh, yeah...and the laundry....about that....I should probably jump on it....